Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sayyidul Istighfar.

Astaghfirullah al adhiiim, taubatan abdin dhalim.
Laa yamliku linafsihi, walaa nafán, walaa mautan, walaa hayatan, walaa nusyura.
Laa illaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minadhdhalimin........

The Bottom Line

Maturity offers more than admiration. Today, the magnitude of your growth sinks in.

In Detail

If you're feeling a little bit like all the ink is running out of every single pen you own, it might be time to go pen shopping. Buy a whole bunch of your favorite kind of pen (or just go to the office supply cabinet and grab a couple of the standard office-issue pens). There! You've solved the problem. If you still can't seem to get anything written down, maybe it's not the pen that's the problem.

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